Google Android Vs Apple iOS – Which Is The Best? - Logicsofts

Google Android Vs Apple iOS – Which Is The Best?

25th March 2016

Both major platforms are competing head-to-head

As the Smartphones market is spreading like some serious virus, the competition between both the brands are getting serious. Major upgradations like V.R, Top End Hardware, Out of the Box technology are just the beginning of a new era.

Technology fight – ” Google Vs Apple “ is opening new boundaries of technologies which we never would have imagined in the past. On One Hand Apple is holding on to its firmware strongly whereas Google has made it open-source leading to many vulnerabilities & loopholes.

Almost one year back, Apple and Google (now Alphabet) market’s capitalization was above $370B and now it’s buy cheap ambien just $40B. At that time, many critics had questioned Google’ decision on acquiring startups, while many professionals were taking side of Apple for their organic growth strategy. The difference between the two companies’ growth strategy was ” Organic vs Inorganic “. In other words Google owns the web market & Apple has the Iphone. This is considered as the real tech war of the century

As tech companies are growing under scrutiny from huge funding from financial institutions, the continuously narrowing gap between Apple and Google is a predictable phenomenon in fresh markets which are growing at a very fast page like A.I (artificial intelligence.)

Author : Abhay

Abhay is a Digital Marketing Guru and an accomplished entrepreneur with an experience of a decade working with various businesses varying from startups to established brands. He co-founded many companies like Logicsofts, PrintYo, CrazyRise and more. He is passionate about SEO and Online Data Analytics, which plays a vital role in any business to grow and mutate as per the data results.
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